Pepe Riglos at the Academy in Spain explaining how to prepare horses for chukkers. Pepe is a former 7 goal player and a highly recognized expert in training polo horses (also humans! 😉). He is our top advisor at the Academies Polo Horse Training Centre.

CLICK ON THE VIDEO at the top to watch it! Here what he recommends when it comes to improving horses:

“Always pay attention on the temperament of the horse, as there is a lot of pressure inside the field. Outside the field everything should be really calm. We should not put horses in the field if they are not calm, they are not ready to stand the pressure.
As we work the horses patience is everything. Having a nervous horse (many horses from the racing track are very nervous at the beginning) work it step by step, very slowly to get it calm. A whip is good to have (so the horse knows that you have one), but we should use it very carefully, as it can have a harmful effect on the horses progress in becoming a relaxed and good polo horse. So let’s have patience, your horse should like the work and become a bit better every day!”

Any question you have concerning educating your horse send a message. Either Pepe as well our trainers at the Academy are very happy to help.

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